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A Guide to Healthcare Management Jobs

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of a strong healthcare system led by innovative and strategic healthcare leaders. The healthcare industry requires leaders in key health management jobs and roles who are able to adapt to the constantly changing healthcare landscape and navigate their teams through any challenges that arise.

While a solid clinical background in healthcare is required, it does not fully equip healthcare leaders with the strategic thinking and decision-making skillset they need to drive sustainable growth for their institution or department. Increasing business efficiency, improving systems and ways of working, delivering a positive patient experience, and championing the needs of their teams are all requirements of modern-day healthcare leaders. All of these skills are taught as part of the University of Adelaide's Master in Business Administration (Health Management) which teaches business administration, healthcare management, and leadership skills through a healthcare lens.

Several key healthcare management jobs typically prefer those with postgraduate degrees such as an MBA which equip healthcare leaders with the skills and confidence needed to successfully manage modern-day healthcare challenges

It is important to be aware of the entry requirements for a healthcare management degree, such as a MBA in Health Management, before applying. If you do not currently meet the entry requirements, you may be eligible to study a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration.

Take a look at some of the health management jobs which typically prefer a master’s qualification.


Key Healthcare Management industry jobs

Health Information Manager (HIM)

The average salary in Australia: $81,117

A Health Information Manager (HIM) collects and regulates all medical information within a healthcare organisation. People’s medical records are extremely sensitive and need to be gathered and stored both legally and ethically. The Health Information Manager oversees all processes and software used when collecting and distributing health information to relevant parties.

Health Information Managers need to be knowledgeable in legislation and governing public policies.


Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)

The average salary in Australia: $200,000

One of the most influential health management jobs within the healthcare industry, a Chief Compliance Officer implements and renews all company policies to ensure that they follow industry rules and regulations. The Chief Compliance Officer enables sustainable growth by championing organisational ethics. Their broad scope of policy review extends across employee conduct, customer relations, and more. Acting as a rule-enforcer, the CCO must stay up to date with regulation changes, be detail-driven, and possess strong negotiation skills.


Medical and Health Services Manager

The average salary in Australia: $99,011

The Medical and Health Services Manager is responsible for the logistical and organisational needs of a hospital, health practice, or facility.

A Medical and Health Services Manager’s direct duties will vary depending on the particular services offered. However, some key organisational skills are needed to train staff, process and administer health and welfare partner programs, and oversee staff retention and welfare. A Medical and Health Services Manager needs to be process-driven, meticulously organised, and possess strong interpersonal skills.


Quality and Improvement Manager

The average salary in Australia: $95,963

With a patient-focused lens, the Quality and Improvement Manager focuses on operational efficiency and consistency whether it is at a clinic, hospital, or other healthcare provider.

The Quality and Improvement Manager will work to identify quality benchmarks and ensure policies and procedures always align with these standards. They are constantly evaluating existing practices and looking for ways to improve both the institution’s offerings and the patient’s experience, delivering excellence at all times. Highly detail-oriented, Quality and Improvement Managers are able to set and analyse performance metrics, roll-out initiatives, and support teams through the implementation process.


Why study a MBA in healthcare management?

While all of the above healthcare leadership roles require a background in health, a strong understanding of business administration, healthcare management, and leadership is also essential for a senior healthcare management position. For healthcare administrators looking to move into more senior roles, The University of Adelaide's Master in Business Administration (Health Management) allows graduates to round out their skillset, boosting their employability for these higher-level positions.

A formal qualification such as a Master of Business Administration (Health Management) demonstrates to employers that you not only hold strong technical and clinical skills, but also possess modern leadership and management skills needed to support a team and navigate Australia's complex healthcare system. With the University of Adelaide’s Master of Business Administration (Health Management), you are learning business and leadership skills through a healthcare lens.

To learn more about how a Master of Business Administration (Health Management) can help you qualify for leadership positions within the healthcare industry, make an appointment to speak with an advisor or you can attend our MBA Online Webinar for an interactive session on everything you need to know about the program. You can also learn about the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration here.