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Why an MBA is Still Relevant for Modern Business Challenges

So you’re thinking about studying an MBA but you may be concerned that they are no longer relevant. MBAs have indeed been around for at least 100 years. Over that time, MBAs have raised CEOs, business owners and entrepreneurs from all walks of life and they’ve always changed with the times. But does the promise of an MBA hold true over a century later?

Here we reveal the benefits of studying an MBA and why it remains relevant by being the best way to enhance your performance and catapult your career.

The future for an MBA degree

Relying on textbook strategies may have been enough to win in the past, but today is far too unpredictable for cookie-cutter management. The University of Adelaide’s online MBA instead will equip you with frameworks that help you make tough decisions and stay adaptive to progress your career for the future. You won’t just learn the theory either, but given the tools to drive innovative outputs and action. 


Stay relevant with an MBA degree

People now demand that organisations operate beyond the primacy of profit. Once considered a bonus, ethical business trading is essential. The team behind the University of Adelaide online know that an MBA degree is needed to evolve with the times and have included socially responsible and ethical management as a core component of the online MBA program.  


An MBA benefit is the unrivalled networking opportunity

A Linkedin Survey found that 88% of professionals consider networking important for career success and relationship building is often cited as one of the biggest benefits of studying an MBA. It makes sense; students have regular and meaningful time with like-minded senior professionals. An added benefit of doing your MBA online is that your community will include the wisdom from people from all over the globe. 


Receive global recognition with an MBA degree

Each country, sector and market may operate differently, but they all recognise and respect the MBA. So if your future dream involves working overseas or switching careers, an MBA will immediately imbue credibility. There are major benefits closer to home too. The esteemed and relevant qualification is sure to boost your level of respect in your current workplace. 


An MBA offers transformational personal development

You may think that MBAs are either too lofty or too technical. No matter how senior you are - or want to become in the future - broad foundational knowledge will always keep you one step ahead. There’s no better way to achieve a holistic skillset than by studying an MBA. But MBAs go further than simply imparting skills and knowledge. Many of our students experience incredible and transformational personal growth. You need to know the real you before you can lead others and an MBA gives you the space and tools for deeper introspection and development. 


Study an MBA to stay relevant

To remain relevant and prepare for the future, check out the Master of Business Administration Online at the University of Adelaide. This 100% online MBA degree provides you with a future leading degree with global recognition and networking opportunities, allowing you to make your next move while continuing to work.

Book a call to discuss program options with one of our expert advisors.

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