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3 Unique Industries That Use Data Science

The reach of data science

The power of data science has grown and evolved alongside technological advancements. As computers developed into more powerful machines, data collected has become more intricate and valuable for business intelligence. Originally a method for scientific and mathematical research, the data science industry was primarily used in academia. Forbes explains that in the mid-1990s, data began infiltrating the marketing sector and steadily began to rise in the corporate world. 

Data science jobs are in strong demand and we now see that this exciting field has over 301,000 jobs being filled each year in Australia alone. A career in data science and analytics is amongst the fastest-growing fields, with big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and algorithmic business trends driving the demand forward. The data science industry has evolved into a large vocation with different career pathways where the possibilities are truly limitless. 

Businesses from all different sectors are using data science skills to better their operations and services. The application of data allows for exact and accurate information, allowing businesses to better their relationships with customers and make improvements to their organisation. Data science graduates are highly sought after with multiple career pathways on offer. With a Master’s in Data Science, you won’t be limited to one specific industry and can make meaningful innovations in your chosen field. 


Data science in agriculture 

With data scientists integral to most industries, the agricultural sector is no exemption. Previously agricultural trade was localised, people would go to their regional market and purchase food that was grown locally. However, like many industries, agriculture has become globalised and, therefore, needs to rely on data and analytics for growth, distribution and evaluation purposes. 

Widescale research by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has invested US$500 million dollars towards the data collection of seed varieties, income, farmers’ technological capacity and tracking how agricultural investments will improve the fight against world hunger and promote rural development. 

Using accurate data allows countries to better track whether they are reaching their agricultural goals and when processing the results, they can identify any potential areas of improvement. Moreover, the agricultural industry uses technology with artificial intelligence (AI) to better their crops, Agrosmart is a Brazilian company that uses AI and machine learning to identify insects and prepare reports for farmers to improve quality control. Whilst the possibilities are endless, the results are concrete, data science allows individuals to take their love for data and agriculture to improve the world. 


Data science in health 

It is no coincidence that health and medical research continue to thrive whilst data science is growing - data science and health are bound by important technological breakthroughs. 

Data and analytics are contributing to the collection of vital information ensuring the health industry’s ability to assess and develop research, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This is evident through medical imaging amounting to over 90 per cent of all medical data, it is the largest data set in the health industry. 

The health sector has begun utilising deep learning, that is where machines do tasks that typically require human intervention, to diagnose and detect abnormalities from scans. Using the existing massive set of medical images, deep learning algorithms can detect any abnormalities. They provide additional quality control with accurate and effective methods being implemented across hospitals and medical research institutions. Data and artificial intelligence are changing the way the health industry operates and helping health workers strive towards a more precise future. 


Data science in the film industry

Whilst data scientist skills and the arts are seemingly unrelated, the two fields can work together to create extraordinary advancements. Films and movies are continuously improving with the help of data algorithms and machine learning that provide a targeted approach, meaning that users can receive content that is tailored to their taste. Many streaming services are utilising these algorithms to give the perfect movie suggestion and keep their customers satisfied. Moreover, from the movie-makers perspective, data is being used for better casting, writing and production process. Cinelytic is a company that uses historical data and analytics on movie performances and matches them with themes and talents to extract patterns and predict a film’s success. 

Where data science was once reserved for concrete and scientific fields, we have seen an emergence of artistic, creative and subjective projects using the power of data to predict and develop the quality of their work. Algorithms have become so intelligent that they can not only determine facts but taste and preference. 


The future of data science

Data has emerged as a key asset when bettering our planet, bodies, and interests, it has the power to reach every industry. Undertaking a Master’s in Data Science will allow you to open different career paths and move between industries with ease. The transferable knowledge you learn applies to so many projects, and companies across the world continue to invest in data. Understanding how data works and building towards a more predictive era will allow you to become a pioneer in your industry.